Double Popcorn eVoucher valid for redemption at Candy Lane. Voucher valid for use within 6 months
How It Works
- You will be issued with a voucher that contains 1 barcode ticket for your small popcorn
- 2 x Small Salted Popcorns
- Voucher valid for use within 6 months
- This voucher does not include a movie admission ticket
Terms And Conditions
This eVoucher will expire on the date indicated. This eVoucher entitles the holder to 2 x Small Salted Popcorns at Event Cinemas, BCC, Greater Union or Village Cinemas Candy Bar or Scoop Alley locations. Not valid for use at Moonlight Cinemas, IMAX Sydney or Skyline Drive In. Not valid for use in ACT. In Cinema redemption only. eVoucher can only be redeemed for the above listed menu items. Additional items must be paid for separately and are the responsibility of the purchaser. The onus is on the holder to use the eVoucher on or before the specified expiry date. eVouchers will not be extended, replaced or exchanged and are invalid without an expiry date. The eVoucher must be used on or before the specified expiry date. eVouchers are invalid without an expiry date. Do not share or disclose the barcode or PIN details to ensure your eVoucher remains secure. Barcodes cannot be used more than once. This eVoucher cannot be sold without the prior written permission of The Greater Union Organisation Pty Ltd. Valid for use in Australia only. Your eVoucher status (including expiry date) can be viewed online:
Booking Information
- Please check your junk and spam folders if vouchers do not arrive into your inbox
- Movie vouchers are sold on a strictly no refund or exchange policy so please check your order is correct before booking
- Confirmation in the form of a tour voucher will be received at time of purchase
- Upon completion of purchase, please print the voucher and present at Event Cinemas, BCC, Greater Union & GU Film House sessions. Valid for use in NSW & ACT only. Alternatively eSaver vouchers are available for online bookings with Event Cinemas, BCC, Greater Union & GU Film House. Booking fees apply.
- Mobile Vouchers are accepted! - Vouchers can also be presented on your mobile device for this attraction
- For your information, complete Tour Operator Information including contact details is included on your tour voucher
- For further information regarding how to redeem online and full Terms and Conditions click here