Free Things To Do  Groper feeding at On the Inlet

Free Experience

Groper feeding at On the Inlet

  • Meet George the Groper
  • Great views of the marina
  • Popular dining spot
  • Great views
  • Fun afternoon attraction
  • Great atmosphere
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What you need to know

Local restaurant, On the Inlet, has a resident groper on their payroll named George. Make your way down to the inlet in the afternoon to watch the staff feed their giant fishy friend George. Watch him wrestle with his delicious tuna frame and put on a show for the onlookers dining in the restaurant and visiting to watch his feed.

The feeding takes place every afternoon at 5pm on the dot off the jetty in front of the restaurant. Head down to the restaurant a little early to grab a good seat and enjoy a drink or two from the aptly named Groper Bar. George is a Queensland Groper, a popular species in Queensland waters that can grow up to the size of a Volkswagen - for those who don’t know cars, that is a very large fish!


Feeding times

  • Every day 5:00pm on the dot


  • 3 Inlet Street, Port Douglas, Qld. 4877